Balavikas class will be from January to December on every Sunday for all continents. The Children can Join this class from any parts of the world. There is no age limit and it is up to the parents. At least, one of the parents must sit with their child/children. Please contact us to enroll your child/children to set them on right path.
Students will be introduced into spiritual life. They will be taught to focus and develop their inner divine qualities and put into practice in their daily life.
2.Silent Sitting
4.Stories on Bakthi and Human values
5.Health & Hygiene
6.Japa and Dhyana
7.Hindu (Sanathana dhrama) and other religions
8.Significance of Festivals and Temples
9. Bhajan
10. Group activities
Students will continue to learn, practice and will be taught to self analyze, experiment and experience their own spiritual development.
2.Silent Sitting
3.Slokas (Bhagawad geetha)
4.Stories on Human values from Ramayana and Mahabharatha
5.Health & Hygiene
6.Japa and Dhyana
7.Hindu (Sanathana dhrama) and other religions
8.Significance of Festivals and Temples
9. Bhajan
10. Group activities
Finally, Students will be prepared to lead a (spiritual) divine life on their own. Students will realize and enjoy being good, seeing good and doing good.
2.Silent Sitting
3.Slokas(Bhagawad Geetha)
4.Stories on Human values & Saints
5.Health & Hygiene
6.Japa and Dhyana
7.Hindu (Sanathana dhrama) and other religions
8.Significance of Festivals and Temples
9. Bhajan
10. Group activities
Bliss, caring, compassion, dedication, devotion, empathy, friendship ,forgiveness, Forbearance, Generosity, Charity, helping, human dignity, inner happiness, joy, kindness, patience, purity, sharing, sincerity, sympathy, wisdom
Consciousness, creativity, curiosity, discrimination, equality, honesty, integrity, intuition, natural environment, optimism, quest for knowledge, reason, self-analysis, self-knowledge, self-worth, sense control, spirit of inquiry, synthesis, truthfulness, unity in thought word and deed, unity in diversity
Cleanliness, contentment, courage, dependability, duty, ethics, gratitude, goals, good behavior, healthy living, helpfulness, initiative, leadership, perseverance, time management, resourcefulness, respect, responsibility, sacrifice, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, simplicity
Attention, calm, concentration, contentment, dignity, discipline, endurance, focus, happiness, honesty, humility, inner silence, reflection, satisfaction, self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-control, self-discipline, self-respect, understanding, Care for environment, national responsibility
Appreciation of other cultures and religions, brotherhood, ceiling on desires, citizenship, compassion, concern for all life, consideration, co-operation, forgiveness, global awareness, good manners, inclusiveness, loyalty, national awareness, recycling, respect for property, service to other, social justice, sustainable growth, universal love, unwilling to hurt
"Balvikas is the primary basis of the great movement to restore righteousness (dharma) in the world. The ideal of the Balvikas is to raise a generation of boys and girls who have a clean and clear conscience. Children must be led into good ways of living, into simplicity, humility and discipline. As you know, you cannot draw children to your side if you hold a stick in your hand; you will have to hold some sweets instead. So the gurus have to be embodiments of love and patience. The actual syllabus is not so important as the creation of an atmosphere where noble habits and ideals can grow and fructify. The pupils follow Balvikas discipline and curriculum only for one day in the week and attend their usual schools on the other days. So the impact of the guru has got to be extra strong if it has to act as a catalyst in the process of modification of the behavioral patterns of these children." BABA ~Divine Discourse, Jun 6, 1978.
"Guide the children in the spiritual path, through simple and moral living; Install in the young minds, the importance of duty, devotion and discipline; Help them understand the five human values, so that they can practice these in their daily lives; Guide them to Love all and Serve all. In short help them grow into worthy citizens to serve the world; identifying the divinity present in all. Parents should take up the responsibility of molding the character of children who, in turn, shape the destiny of the nation." -Baba.
"Teachers! Teach your young pupils the ideals of Bharat's great sages, heroes and heroines, who upheld the highest virtues and set an example to the world. They should be taught to behave as ideal sons like Shravanakumar. One good son can redeem a whole family. Ekalavya exemplifies supreme devotion to the Guru. Prahladha should be held out as a supreme example of total faith in God. Teachers should instil such devotion to God in the young. Teachers should also make children realise the true purpose of education. Education should be a preparation for righteous living and not for earning money. Good qualities are more valuable than money. Sathyabama was made to realise that the Name of the Lord and a Tulasi leaf offered to Him were more valuable than all her jewels when weighed in the balance for Krishna. Teachers should practise the precepts they teach to the children." - Divine Discourse, Jul 22, 1994. - Baba.
"Teachers should not trot out excuses, based on material considerations, to shirk or by-pass their essentially spiritual task of 'education’. They must bear trials and tribulations, with calm content, and do their work even more efficiently, so that God will reward them, and society will learn to revere them all the more! The world honours the man who suffers gladly, far more than the one who enjoys shamefacedly!"- BABA
About our Gurus(teachers)!
With the full of divine wisdom(jnana), knowledge, experiences, guidance and divine support continuously given by our beloved Bhagawan BABA, our Balvikas gurus are teaching the children to develop inner divine qualities (TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS,PEACE,LOVE,NON-VIOLENCE) and unwavering devotion to GOD as prescribed by Sri Sathya Sai BalVikas syllabus books for all three years and moral values from a moral story book gave by BABA in a mysterious way on the morning of May 29th,2024.
To serve the whole world at different time zones, our dedicated BalVikas Gurus live and take classes from USA, CANADA, MIDDLE EAST and INDIA.
We adopt effective online teaching techniques using latest technology including AI(Artificial Intelligence).
Certificate of Completion!
Students will receive certificate of completion at the end of third year. We will seek BABA's blessings for each student before we send the certificate.
Mode of learning for the children!
We conduct our classes through zoom for online interaction and use Google classroom (safe for children) for offline interaction and assignments. We use WhatsApp group for all the class postings including zoom link for the classes. To catch-up with the classes, we also post the recording of every class through our youtube balvikas channel.
It is Free!
Sai Universal and its resources are free for all the children in this world. Here, the gurus (teachers), parents and children work in partnership strictly for spiritual development & moral conduct of children. No one uses this platform to solicit or seek any financial or other favors such as donations, payments, gifts, professional services etc.,
If Interested, parents can submit request through our website or send email to with their WhatsApp number, name of the child/children, Date of birth(for birthday wishes), age, location (city, state, country ), child Gmail account (each child requires Gmail account to sign into google class room). Enrollment closes by December 31st.
Develop oneness!
Since, this is a global combined online BalVikas program, children meet, greet and enjoy the classes with the children of different countries and have the opportunity to develop oneness with them from tender age.
Testimonials of a few parents from around the world!