Most of the the following wisdom quotes are from BABA's discourses:
"G"- Stands for Generator or Creator. HE is Brahma. HIS eternal consort is Saraswathy.
"O"- Stands for Operator . HE is Vishnu. HIS eternal consort is Lakshmi.
"D" - Stands for Destroyer/Dissolver - HE is Maheshwara. HIS eternal consort is Parvathy.
Pray to the Lord that He may fill you with His thoughts and His vision. Worship in the mind the Lord you have chosen as your goal and be free of all the defects of the natural or human environment! Keep in mind that you need Lord's blessings and grace even to think of HIM, to chant HIS name and to sing HIS glory. Always look for opportunities to participate in Satsang irrespective of human environments.
Work done for the welfare of the world is thapas (true penance), while work done for selfish purpose is thamas (useless).
Deha virakti (detachment from body consciousness) will free you from the grief of bondage, and Daiva asakti (attachment to God) will give you the bliss of liberation and merger with God.
God will serve you; He will save you and be by your side ever - only you have to cultivate your character and polish your interior so that He might be reflected therein.
In all effort, if you trust in a Higher Power, which is ready to come to your help, work is made easy. This comes out of devotion and reliance on the Lord, the source of all Power. When you travel by train, you have only to purchase the ticket, enter the proper train, and take a seat, leaving the rest to the engine. Why should you carry the bed and trunk on your head? So too, put your trust in the Lord and carry on to the best of your ability. Have faith in the Lord and His Grace. Try to earn it by using the intelligence and the conscience with which He has endowed you. You have been born because you did not pass in certain subjects; there is some balance of experience that you must acquire to complete the course. If you get convinced that your true nature is the Atma, then you have finished the course and ‘passed’. For reaching that stage, you should start with the cultivation of the ‘feeling of kinship with all beings’ — ‘sarvasamanabhava’, as it is called. It is very difficult to get, but that is the only way to see the Atma that is in all.
Be an instrument; submerge your will in the Will of the Lord. That will save you from worry and pain.
If one wants to get rid of birth forever, one has to worship the Nirguna Nirakara, the formless and attributeless principle, which is represented by the Omkara.
The goal of every human is to reach GOD in three stages. Primary stage is knowing GOD. Next stage is to develop intense love and desire to see and experience GOD. Finally reaches/merges in GOD. That is constant union with GOD. Vedanta describes these stages as dwaitha, vishista advaita and advaita.
One will surely reach GOD through observance of the age-old code of good conduct, prayers, repentance, yearning, steadfastness, immersed in worshipping God. To earn God's love, one has to dedicate one's time, body and actions to the service of the Lord.
Those who follow dharma (righteousness), dharma will protect them.
Both inner and external development is important for every human. But I care more about your self transformation for inner purity of your heart and allow GOD to manifest in it. When God manifests in your heart, all is full and free. That should be the goal of every human.
Stick to the human values (Sathya, dharma, shanthi, prema and ahimsa). That is the truth. That is divinity. That is the bliss.
Peace in the world can be established only by developing divine qualities in Human from Tender age.
The Puranas and epics teach the path of devotion and surrender. They ask that man should do every deed in a spirit of dedication. Allow the wind of doubt or the sun of despair to affect the pot of joy (ananda) you have filled, and it will evaporate quickly. But keep the pot in the cool waters of good company and good deeds; it can be preserved undiminished forever! Ananda too grows when you dwell on it in silence and recapitulate the circumstances which yielded it. That is why recapitulation (manana) is held so important a part of spiritual effort. Like the child which throws off its toys and starts crying, you too must realize the paltriness of the toys of fame and fortune and call out for the mother! The child feels that all else is trash before the love of the mother and the blessedness of her presence. One should not aspire for anything less!
You must look upon God as an ‘Old friend’. There is no greater friend in the world than God.
God is the antaryami (Indweller), and so, when He is sought in the outer world He cannot be caught. Love Him with no other thought; feel that without Him nothing is worth anything; feel that He is all. Then you become His and He becomes yours.
Absolute faith is essential for God to manifest. Chant the name of God day in and day out. That alone will protect you at all times.
When firm faith is associated with unselfish love, prayers addressed to Bhagawan (avatar) are bound to reach Him. The basic moral prescription for the devotee who aspires to be near and dear to the Avatar is Worship God and offer Love to Him in every living being.
Peace can be attained only by those who, with patience, perseverance and forbearance follow the sacred path of spirituality.
Bliss is the true nature of man. But it can be realized only when the love of God is experienced.
Divine Grace alone will give success in Life.
One should not commit sins.
What is Sin? - Sathya Sai Speaks
What is sin? As per Indian culture, ‘service to others is merit and harming others is sin (paropakaaraya punyam, papaya parapeedanam)’. ‘Help ever, hurt never.’ Then what is sin? Identifying oneself with the body and resorting to certain practices out of utter selfishness for the comforts and conveniences of the body(examples: Five External sins: drinking alcohol, eating meat, adultery, stealing, killing AND Five Internal sins: Lust, greed, anger, jealousy, Envy)
There are three words- ‘Para’, ‘Upa’, ‘Kara’. ‘Para’ means ‘Atma’, ‘Upa’ means proximity and ‘Karana’ means doing. Going closer to the atma is termed as ‘Punya’ or merit, virtue. Merit means proximity to the divinity. ‘Parapeedanam’ – ‘Para’ means God, ‘peedanam’ – forgetting the nature of the divinity is the worst of the sins. Therefore the inner significance is that having faith in the divinity is merit and forgetting the divinity is sin. One should have full faith in the divinity of everyone; then there will be no scope for any hatred or sin. Divine Discourse, 16 July, 1997
The heart’s blemishes must be washed by a moral life and by doing one’s duty. Time may come when one becomes tired and weak, then, one should pray thus: “Lord, things have gone beyond my capacity. I feel further effort is too great a strain. Give me strength, O Lord!” At first, God stands at a distance, watching one’s efforts, like the teacher who stands apart when the student writes answers to questions. Then, when one sheds attachment to sensual pleasures and takes to good deeds and selfless service, God comes encouragingly near! Like Sun-God (Surya-Narayana), He waits outside the closed door. Like the manservant who knows his master’s rights and his own limitations, He doesn’t announce His presence or bangs on the door but simply waits! And when the master opens the door just a little, Sun rushes in and promptly drives darkness out from within. When His help is requested, He is present by a person’s side, with hands extended to render assistance. What is wanted is only discrimination to pray to the Lord and the spiritual wisdom to remember Him!
Divinity can be attained only by following the spiritual path. The fire of wisdom is in every human being. If you neglect this fire of wisdom, it gets covered by the ash of ego, attachment, and hatred. Where does the ash come from? It comes only from the fire and ultimately covers the fire itself. Similarly, Divinity is in every human being. If you want to visualize your innate Divinity, first of all, you have to remove the ash of ego, attachment, and hatred.
Between the two embankments, ‘attachment to the Divine’ and ‘detachment from the mundane’, the stream of life can flow unimpaired in speed and direction, towards the Ocean of Divine Grace. See yourself as Divine; see others as Divine. Turn away from all else in you and in others. That is the essence of sadhana (spiritual practices).
You have to offer yourself completely to God. Only then can you become one with Him.
The butter the Lord covets is the fruit of yoga, final product of churning of the mind by viveka (discrimination). He loves to feast on it; moves away with it into the solitude of self-realisation. We too can discover the Lord through His footprints; it can be discovered everywhere, provided sincere search is made with trained eyes. You can find His footprints wherever there is beauty, virtue, humility, justice, truth, love and peace! The eye must be trained to discover the footprints of God; in this process, the mind has to be mastered. The mind is the pivot of thoughts and feelings. The mind is the thinking aspect of Brahmam, Absolute Consciousness. The Absolute Self manifesting itself in imaginative activity is the mind. However, instead of turning towards the Absolute, it turns outward and starts using senses as its instrument; forgetting its source, the Atma. How and why this happens is inexplicable; we know this happens, and it can be avoided and prevented!
The reason for all misery and grief is that your mind is not directed toward divine love. -
Give up the company of the worldly minded, the association with those infected by demonic qualities. Seek always the company of the wise and the good. The distinction between a human and a demon arises only from qualities. Demons do not have any peculiar physical traits as portrayed in cinemas and books. They are humans also. It is only by qualities that a human becomes a demon. In the Bhagavatam there is a nice example. Krishna was God Himself. His parents, Devaki and Vasudeva, were true humans. And Devaki’s brother, Kamsa, was a demon. Thus, all three categories — divine, human and demon — can exist even within the same family! Kamsa was a demon because of his anger and cruelty. Devaki and Vasudeva were humans for their kindness and compassion. Possessing Divine traits, which are beyond all attributes, Krishna was God.
One should understand the great significance of human life, which is superior to that of all other species. Because of the body consciousness, man is forgetting his inherent Divinity. You study a great deal about Prakriti (Nature) and worldly things, and lead an artificial life, without realizing that the heart is the seat of Divinity. If you allow bad feelings to enter the heart, it will be polluted and the Divine will have no place therein. The whole world today is replete with pollution of not only the individual senses but also the five elements. The air is impure; water is polluted and everything you see or hear or touch is polluted. How can you expect to have peace in the world? Vedanta teaches that we should go beyond the mind and realize the inner vision to prevent bad feelings entering the heart and polluting the seat of God.
if your thoughts are like gopikas, your atma will become krishna and all actions are HIS leelas.
To the extent you yearn and pine for God, God will pine for you a thousandfold.
You should cultivate an attitude of inseparable attachment to the Lord, who is your very self. If He is a flower, you should feel yourself a bee that sucks its honey; if He is a tree, be a creeper that clings to it; if a cliff, then feel that you are a cascade running over it; if He is the sky, be a tiny star that twinkles in it; above all, be conscious of the truth that you and He are bound by Supreme Love. If you feel this acutely, not with the gross intelligence, but with the subtle intelligence, then the journey will be quick and the goal can be won. The sthula buddhi (gross intelligence) keeps you walking but, the subtle intelligence flies you to the destination. The gross is too much weighed down by the body; the subtle transcends the body and lightens the burden!
Adi Sankara said, Good company leads to detachment; Detachment makes one free from delusion; Freedom from delusion leads to steadiness of mind; Steadiness of mind confers liberation. When you join good company, you attain sacredness and Divinity. On the other hand, when you associate yourself with bad company, you develop bad thoughts, bad intentions, and bad behavior, which impel you to undertake bad actions. Therefore, it is very necessary for one to develop humanness by joining good company. One can even rise to the level of Divine if one associates with good company.
Human Life is a pilgrimage to God; the holy spot is there, afar! The road lies before you, but unless you take the first step forward and follow that step with others, how can you reach it? Start with courage, faith, joy, and steadiness. You are bound to succeed.
If you have GOD on your side, you have everything. Therefore, Every one should make self efforts to be near and dear to GOD. One who is in satsang and in the company of good, pious, pure, holy, sacred is near to GOD. One who is humble and does selfless service with love & sacrifice for the welfare of the society is dear to GOD. At initial stage, one is near to GOD. Next stage, one becomes dear to GOD. Finally, one becomes GOD.
God is like the divine wish-fulfilling tree, which gives whatever is asked. But you have to go near the tree and wish for the thing you want. The atheist is the person who keeps far away from the tree and the theist is the one who has come near; that’s the difference. The tree does not make any distinction; it grants boons to all. The Lord will not punish or take revenge if you do not recognise Him or revere Him. He has no special type of worship which alone can please Him. If you have the ear, you can hear “Om” announcing the Lord’s Presence in every sound. All five elements produce this sound, “Om”. The bell in the temple is intended to convey that “Om” is the symbol of the Omnipresent God. When the bell sounds “Om”, the Divinity within you will awaken, and you will be aware of His Presence. That’s the meaning of the bell that is rung in front of an inner shrine in the temple. Earn the right to approach the Lord without fear and the right to ask for your heritage. You must become so free that praise will not emanate from you when you approach the Lord. Praise is a sign of distance and fear.
There are four different qualities in man: humanness, animal nature, demonic nature and divine nature. When a man follows the dictates of the body, he is prey to his animal nature. When he is subject to the vagaries of the mind, he becomes demonic. When he is following the Atma, he is manifesting his Divinity. When he is governed by all three - the body, the mind and the Atma - he is human. When Ravana fell victim to the promptings of his mind, his demonic nature predominated over his other good qualities as a worshipper of Shiva and master of many sciences. Whenever a desire arises in the mind, one should exercise the power of discrimination and decide whether it is good or bad. This is the way to journey on the spiritual path. Each person must decide for oneself in which state one is placed.
GOD is Omnipresent(all-pervading). Be always and everywhere conscious of HIS presence. Pray and seek HIS protection all the time.
GOD is Omniscient(all-knowing). GOD has perfect knowledge of all things past, present, and future. Pray and seek HIS guidance all the time.
GOD is Omnipotent(all-power). God has all power, or infinite power. Adore and Worship HIM and seek HIS blessings and grace all the time.
GOD is Omnibenevolent(all-loving). God loves mankind infinitely. Therefore, when anyone decides to serve humanity, God showers His grace in plenty. Love HIM incessantly and at the same time serve humanity to experience HIS immense Love.
GOD protects pious and virtuous. Human has all three gunas. Rajo, Tamo and Satwa gunas. People with more satwa guna is pious and virtuous in nature. They usually are not slave to their mind and their senses. Therefore, One should make efforts to develop more satwa guna by leading a selfless and prayfull life.
GOD is formless (can assume any form) and has infinte divine power or divinity. So Human can choose and love/worship divine forms like Ganesha, Karthikeya, Shiva, Narayana, Laskhmi, Durga, Anjeneya or avathar forms Like Rama, Krishna, Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai and various other divine forms to experience the underlying invisible divinity. Just like how we benefit by bulbs, fans, refrigetors, computers and other electrical devices connected to underlying invisible electricity.
God manifested and activating the world with MahaShakthi (underlying invisible infinite divine power/divinity). The world is the form of God called Prakruti (Nature). Hence, man, who is a child of Nature, is inherently Divine. Basically, a human is born with divine qualities and blessed with three major divine energies/power icha Shakthi(that which creates attitude, will power and desire in human), Kriya Shakthi(that which make efforts and actions by human) and Jnana Shakthi (that which gives power of decrimination and knowledge to human) so that human can use them properly to achieve his spiritual goal. All these three divine powers by default acts on the basis of a thought arise in human. Therefore, One must be vigilant/careful about one's own thoughts. That is why BABA said one should divert one's thoughts/mind towards GOD and crave for HIS love all the time. Man is intrinsically a combination of morality, righteousness and spirituality. One should constantly be aware of such divine power(Maha Shakthi), rely on them to walk on the right path and reach one's destination safely.
Spiritual aspirants and devotees who adopt the path of yoga, the path of devotion, or the path of peace, dharma, truth, and love reach the ocean (Seat) of grace at last, and name and form fade away; They are blessed with the merger in the sea of peace/GOD/Universal Self/universal entity.
The process is from ME to WE to I.
ME (SAMSKARA - Transform, reconstruct, reform to manifest GOD's love within oneself and become a humble servant to the society)
WE (PAROPAKARA - Share and serve the world with the love to see god in all)
I (SAKSHATHKARA - Finally one is blessed with direct visualization of the Lord/direct experience of the Lord and merge with universal entity/GOD).
A human must aim to achieve Nirvana or Liberation. Nirvana means experiencing bliss in the last moments of your life. Man doesn’t realize what he should seek and what to reject. His level of spiritual advancement depends on his self efforts in spiritual sadhana and his association/company. He must run away/distance from bad company and join good company. He needs to develop wisdom. One will be honored as Jnani (one with full of wisdom), only when one has knowledge combined with divine experiences.
This WISDOM page is an extract from the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and also from the experiences of the SAI devotees.
SAI devotees experiences related to this WISDOM page are recorded in Sai Universal Facebook page:
Jai Sai Ram!